Wings to Fly
Once I had nothing
Wandering around aimlessly
Searching, but not finding
Living, but without breath
Seeing, but without sight
Hearing, but without listening
Thinking, but without thought
Speaking, but without words
Learning, but without skill
I searched and sought to find something,
but I found nothing;
I didn’t have the wings to fly.
Then grace illuminated the darkness
And awakened my soul.
The Father came
And breathed His breath of life within me.
The darkness banished and where there was nothing,
now there was something;
I could now see that all along
I had the wings to fly.
But I didn’t have the gift from above
to spread them out and take flight.
This gift
is the gift of love incarnated in those
He has placed in my life.
To guide me on this journey to the place of heaven above.
It is now through this gift of love
that has been given to me
that I am able to show others;
they too have the wings to fly.
Carrie Delaney
May, 2009